ODISSEI Code Library

ODISSEI FAIR support team

Erasmus University Rotterdam - ODISSEI · fairsupport@odissei-data.nl


The ODISSEI code library contains a collection of scripts detailing data processing and analysis steps of projects using LISS panel data and CBS (Statistics Netherlands) microdata. Some of the projects receive funding via ODISSEI.

If you have comments, reach out to the ODISSEI FAIR support team.

Do you want to submit your own project and code to be added to the library?

Please submit an issue using the Submission code issue template on the GitHub repository or send an email to the ODISSEI FAIR support team.

# Title Project lead Code language Publication Data Link to data ODISSEI grant
1 Does the prospect of further sovereignty loss fuel Euroscepticism? A population-based survey experiment Elske van den Hoogen Stata doi LISS panel data

data; data

2 Hours and income dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of the Netherlands Hans-Martin von Gaudecker Python doi LISS panel data


3 Greed:What Is It Good for? Karlijn Hoyer R doi LISS panel data


LISS Grant 2018
4 Further tests of the scarcity and luxury hypotheses in dispositional greed: Evidence from two large-scale Dutch and American samples Karlijn Hoyer R doi LISS panel data


LISS Grant 2018
5 The wage penalty for informal caregivers from a life course perspective Klara Raiber Stata doi LISS panel data


LISS Grant 2019
6 Are the gender gaps in informal caregiving intensity and burden closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from the Netherlands Klara Raiber Stata doi LISS panel data

data; data

LISS Grant 2019
7 Strategies of informal caregivers to adapt paid work Klara Raiber Stata doi LISS panel data


LISS Grant 2019
8 Testing the informal care model: intrapersonal change in care provision intensity during the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic Klara Raiber Stata doi LISS panel data

data; data

LISS Grant 2019
9 The prospective associations between financial scarcity and financial avoidance Leon Paul Hilbert R doi LISS panel data


LISS Grant 2019
10 Those were the what? Contents of nostalgia, relative deprivation and radical right support Peter Luca Versteegen R doi LISS panel data
11 Does informing citizens about the non-meritocratic nature of inequality bolster support for a universal basic income? Evidence from a population-based survey experiment Thijs Lindner Stata; R doi LISS panel data

data; data; data; data

# Title Project lead Code Language Publication Data CBS project nr. ODISSEI grant
1 Enhancing Accuracy in Country-Wide Agent-Based Epidemiological Modeling through the Application of 17 Million Individual-Level Microdata Points Ahmad Hesam doi CBS microdata NA
2 Sex and gender differences in primary care help-seeking for common somatic symptoms: a longitudinal study Aranka van Ballering SPSS doi Lifelines, NPCD 8656 NA
3 Children's strains, parents' pains? How adult children's union dissolution influences older parents' health Damiano Uccheddu Stata doi CBS microdata, SHARE NA
4 Let's Stick Together: Peer Effects in Secondary School Choice and Variations by Student Socio-Economic Background Dieuwke Zwier Stata doi CBS microdata, NCO 9232 NA
5 Knowing me, knowing you: Socio-economic status and (segregation in) peer and parental networks in primary school Dieuwke Zwier R doi CBS microdata, PRIMS 9232 NA
6 Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Microdata: Merging datasets (generic) Erwin Gielens R CBS microdata NA
7 Medication of Postpartum Depression and Maternal Outcomes: Evidence from Geographic Variation in Dutch Prescribing Esmée Zwiers Stata doi CBS microdata 8666 NA
8 The timing of parental unemployment, insurance and children's education Gabriele Mari Stata doi CBS microdata SES\208008SSBONT_SEC1 NA
9 Less for more? Cuts to child benefits, family adjustments, and long-run child outcomes in larger families Gabriele Mari Stata doi CBS microdata 9102 MAG2021
10 Multiple environmental exposures along daily mobility paths and depressive symptoms: A smartphone-based tracking study Hannah Roberts R doi CBS microdata 8217 MAD2020
11 Defining vulnerability subgroups among pregnant women using pre-pregnancy information: a latent class analysis Joyce Molenaar Stata doi CBS microdata; Perined; Vektis 8552 NA
12 Gene-environment interaction analysis of school quality and educational inequality Kim Stienstra Stata; Mplus doi CBS microdata MAG2019
13 Diversity in the pathway from medical student to specialist in the Netherlands: a retrospective cohort study Lianne Mulder SPSS doi CBS microdata 8642 MAD2022
14 Inequality of opportunity in selection procedures limits diversity in higher education: An intersectional study of Dutch selective higher education programs Lianne Mulder SPSS doi CBS microdata 8642 MAD2022
15 NEEDS (Dynamic Urban Environmental Exposures on Depression and Suicide) Marco Helbich Python doi CBS microdata 8217 MAD2020
16 Timing of citizenship acquisition and immigrants' children educational outcomes: a family fixed-effects approach Marie Labussière Stata doi CBS microdata NA
17 Citizenship and education trajectories among children of immigrants: A transition-oriented sequence analysis Marie Labussière Stata doi CBS microdata NA
18 The intergenerational impact of naturalisation reforms: the citizenship status of children of immigrants in the Netherlands, 1995-2016 Marie Labussière Stata doi CBS microdata NA
19 Inequalities in Healthcare use during the COVID-19 pandemic Mark Verhagen R doi CBS microdata 8951 NA
20 Evaluating the causal relationship between educational attainment and mental health Perline Demange R doi CBS microdata 8590 MAD2022
21 Money, Birth, Gender: Explaining Unequal Earnings Trajectories following Parenthood Weverthon Barbosa Machado R doi CBS microdata 9120 MAD2021